Humble Garden

ReSkilling for future food independence

Planting cartography

Posted by Nika On May - 27 - 2007

Planted the second bed yesterday. Here are a few photos of how I set up the bed and the map I make up for myself to set out the plants. These may be seeded a bit tight but we will see. I will be needing to cull some by design.

I hate forgetting what I planted so this year I am mapping it out. Will transfer this to an electronic copy so that, when the paper is lost as it is bound to be, I have a permanent record. I marked off rough 1 foot sections to help me with the planting. I used a 2×4 to make the marks after using a ruler to mark off feet.

Tomatoes, rosemary, some flowers, cant remember what else right now While out watering these two beds I noticed that we have sprouts already!

mesclun lettuce sprouting – Pack says 10-14 days to germination but these little guys are on their third day, good start. Hope you can see them.

Radishes sprouting – planted 5-24, sprouted 5-27 – pack says 3-10 days for germination.. guess they like their new home. The collards are sprouting too. Nothing else besides the fact that Ed is almost done with the third bed and will be starting on the fourth tomorrow. It seems we are going to have six (6) total! We have decided to change the sandbox idea into the “kid’s garden”. We have also set up a screen tent in the backyard (photo coming) so that the kids can play in the shade and a bit less bug.

3 Responses to “Planting cartography”

  1. Bill says:

    WoW !!! Amazing raised beds – so large & deep. Should feed a family of 13 !!! That’ll keep your hands busy starting, planting, thinning, weeding and canning. My friends in Maine Peg & Leo do the same thing and she makes the most delicious salsa, dilly beans and different flavored vinegar among other things.

    What a wonderful peaceful & natural setting to raise your children. I thoroughly loved growing up in the country with fields & woods nearby. Made me appreciate nature immensely.

    Good Luck & Happy Growing

  2. admin says:


    Thanks for your lovely note!

    The reason these beds are so deep is because we are feeling old and we KNOW we wont garden if we have to bend over much hence – tall beds!

    I hope I am up to the challenge of saving and preserving the food that we will be harvesting. Previous years have only seen on-demand bits of lettuce :-) This year, we will be eating salads with a vengeance :-). If you are ever out this way, let me know if you want to stop by. The garden is always open, the house is always a mess so keep that in mind :-) (We are in central MA .. I still need to do an about page)

    Your friend in Maine sounds she has some delicious ideas!

    I didn’t grow up on a farm but I did live for some time in the Midwest with a big garden. Was wonderful!

    So glad to meet you and please come back and visit!


  3. […] Planting Cartography garden permaculture sustainable organic raised beds fill dairy farm germination growing- […]

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About Me

We are a family of 5, including Nika, Ed, Q (14), KD (7), and Baby Oh (4). We garden 1024 square feet of raised beds plus assorted permacultural plantings. We also have 13 LaMancha dairy goats, 40 chickens, and one guard llama.



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