Humble Garden

ReSkilling for future food independence

Farm Beauty

Posted by Nika On August - 4 - 2007


organic flowers
(Organic flowers)


organic flowers
(More organic flowers)

I just wanted to share some photos I took recently at the Many Hands Organic Farm in Barre, MA. I will talk more later about their fantastic workshop on raising and butchering organic pasture raised chickens.

These are a few shots from around the farm.


drying garlic
(Garlic drying in a chicken house)


A fantastic day
(A fantastic day)


(Barn and workshop participants)


Tomato cages
(Tomato cages stacked on the roof of a barn)


(Contemplative barn window)


(Windrowing attachment for the tractor)


Organic tamworth pig
(Organic tamworth pig)


Organic tamworth pigs
(Organic tamworth pigs)


Organic tamworth pigs
(Organic tamworth pigs)


Organic tamworth pigs
(Organic tamworth pigs)


Organic tamworth pigs
(Organic tamworth pigs)


Pastured chickens
(Pastured chickens)


Moving the pastured chickens to fresh grass
(Moving the pastured chickens to fresh grass)


Pastured layers
(Pastured layers)


wood fired cook stove
(wood fired cook stove with organic chicken soup on top)

Will be sharing more in another post.

4 Responses to “Farm Beauty”

  1. Charles says:

    Beautiful photos.

  2. Nika says:

    Charles: thanks! It has been such a beautiful day here, I wanted to share photos from a similar beautiful day (I can get a bit tired of shooting my same old little garden!)

    I am enjoying some of the mp3s from your blog right now .. the Carolina Chocolate Drops are awesome! I think I need to whip up a batch of biscuits to go with supper tonight (wonder if I could do them on the grill along side the lamb we will be grilling, hmmm)

  3. Charles says:

    Biscuits on a grill? I don’t think that would work too well. And a nice rosemary bread would go better with lamb. :-)

  4. Nika says:

    Actually, they came out pretty ok tho a bit dry because I did a bit of experimenting with my mix. Made it 100% with organic whole wheat pastry flour .. put it in a glass pyrex pie pan and onto the grill next to the little lamb steaklets. Yeah, rosemary would have been nice! Perhaps grilled rosemary whole wheat buttermilk biscuits (with more organic butter next time, it was a bit dry).

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About Me

We are a family of 5, including Nika, Ed, Q (14), KD (7), and Baby Oh (4). We garden 1024 square feet of raised beds plus assorted permacultural plantings. We also have 13 LaMancha dairy goats, 40 chickens, and one guard llama.


