Humble Garden

ReSkilling for future food independence

Some Peaknik thoughts

Posted by Nika On April - 27 - 2008

Organic Garden Tomatoes: all our own!

(Some of our organic sustainably grown tomatoes, micro-greens and herbs from last summer)

Yeah, we can NOT do anything new. I met my husband on the internet, we are liberal homeschoolers, we do some telecommuting, and now it seems we are Peakniks.

A simplistic way of defining what a peaknik is – otherwise non-alarmist professionals who have undergone a conversion to a dedication to surviving Peak Oil.

One doesn’t WANT to be a peaknik, it happens a lot like taking the red pill in the matrix … once the cat is out of the bag there is no going back. By definition, if you are the sort who feels very comfortable with cognitive dissonance (magical thinking) then the cat may peek out of the bag but it stays in there.. you can sleep at night and believe that things are not indeed much later than you think.

I cant do magical thinking, just not my nature. This is why I am a scientist and not a pastor or some such.

I am also used to doing things on my own, having moved 15 times before I graduated from high school I just learned to resource from within. For this reason, I find it hard to do one of the things that many people recommend in planning for the post-carbon age – form a tight knit sustainable community.

I loathe drama and the thought of living in a communal setting without private space sounds dreadful.

But, there is power in numbers so I am wondering if I can go there, make peace with a lack of peace.

Local Food: First milking for KD

(Home-milked goat milk)

For those of you just starting out with the whole local food thing the following might help.

I subscribe to The Energy Bulletin (Peak Oil News Bulletin) and today found one of their book reviews in my feedreader.

They excerpt a list from Chapter 6 (Local, Organic, Sustainable Food) from “Go Green: How to Build an Earth-Friendly Community” by Nancy H Taylor (Gibbs Smith Publishers):

  • 1. Start small, raising a few successful plants at home. Herbs, a few lettuces and radishes are foolproof!
  • 2. Think about where your food comes from. Are your apples from New Zealand, from Chile or Oregon? Do you buy strawberries all winter long?
  • 3. Take your own bag to the market, neither paper nor plastic are good options for bringing our food home. Your own canvas bag will save trees and help stop the plastic proliferation we see hanging from our trees and plastered against fences.
  • 4. Find a neighbor to share trips to the store, put a basket or rack on your bike or take the bus. Plan ahead so you don’t have to make several trips to the store.
  • 5. Start a food co-op to order foods in bulk and share them with your community.
  • 6. Start a Farmers Market; it can be small and fun, and supports local food.
  • 7. Start a CSA, support a local farmer and keep the food dollars in your community.
  • 8. Pay attention to your fast food diet. How do you feel when you rush by the takeout window and eat in your car? See the film ‘Fast Food Nation’.
  • 9. Talk to your kids about their diet, where foods come from, how they nourish the body. Get exercise and fresh air, you will want to eat better food after that.
  • 10. Don’t get discouraged. Changing our eating habits takes time. Start slowly and add what you can afford over the period of a year or two. Once you switch to healthy food, you will notice the difference and not want to turn back!

Summer Tomato Tart - 5


For the peaknik I recommend subscribing to The Energy Bulletin’s RSS feed and learn everything you can. I also recommend working hard to not get depressed. Think of this as a challenge.

Do not assume a Mad Max future but plan for one. There is so much more to say about that but I won’t do that here, would prefer to be upbeat.

2 Responses to “Some Peaknik thoughts”

  1. Heidi says:

    Well, I have to say “peaknik” is a term I had not heard before. I’ll have to check out the links you posted. Very interesting. I too, met my boyfriend online. We’ve been together 10 years….I’m very lucky to have met such a great man that way.

    Take care and happy growing & learning.

  2. Nika says:

    You have been together a bit less than we have been. Yeah, the way the net is these days, I wonder if anyone has much luck anymore.. 10 or more years ago it was pretty much different .. we met on IRC .. pure text chat.. free of aol HNGs!

    Come on back some time :-)

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About Me

We are a family of 5, including Nika, Ed, Q (14), KD (7), and Baby Oh (4). We garden 1024 square feet of raised beds plus assorted permacultural plantings. We also have 13 LaMancha dairy goats, 40 chickens, and one guard llama.



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