Sharon Astyk over at Casaubon’s Book wrote a really cute post about being potentially perceived as a “Sustainable Martha Stewart”
I hope that she NEVER has the nightmare interview that she parodies.
She refers to being called a “Sustainable Martha” – that is too darn funny. Martha actually does a lot to grow food on her property and she seems to love to blog about her efforts (tho she has an army of people who help do it and administer it so she too isn’t the perfect “Sustainable Martha”)
I have 3 kids and woe is the person who gives me a look askance about their numeracy. We figure we are just a tiny drop in the karmic balance bucket against the Duggars of Arkansas (who have bred up to 19 as of last count, are not done breeding, and who are teaching their kids to go “full quiver”)
My oldest complains at times about her goat milking, chicken tending, and egg collecting duties. I smile and try to be sympathetic while encouraging her to hop to it. Things will be more difficult when its -20 F this winter, then we will be going out to give her moral support.
We will also be arranging for a mechanical milking machine and warmer surrounds.
Besides, she doesn’t get ALL the tough jobs, she will not be the primary midwife this next early spring tho I intend to train her along with myself when the 8 goats go into labor. I try not to be terrified, most days it works.
I never assumed that Sharon would have a perfect house! Anyone with 4 kids and all the rest (including writing a book) would have to be twisted to be perfect in the cleaning department too.
My house – well – it does make me weep on occasion. I admit to dreaming about becoming a monkess at a zen monastery where NOTHING but cushions hit the floor. And the quiet. I can dream. Then I awake to watch my sleeping kids as I get ready for my commute and work.
My real dream is to be able to stay at home and get a more complete situational mastery of the homestead but its been more difficult than it seemed in past times when I worked full time out of the home.
Only way THIS is happening is if I win the lottery.
The dictionary defines Sustainability as “the attempt to provide the best outcomes for both human and natural environments both now and in the indefinite future.”. So what if your house is a little dirty? Life goes on! As long as the dust cops don’t come to our houses, I think we’ll all survive.
Or I just don’t invite people over to my house who really care that much if I missed a spot on an old bookshelf. Yes, if I won the lottery, I’d hire a bunch of little elves to do my housework and lawn work like Martha does.
What you’re doing for your children, their health and their future is far more important. And I’m sure they’ll thank, and love you for it, in the future. Enjoy life, don’t worry about it.
Heidi: thanks for such kind words! Yeah, we definitely bar dust cops at the door and we seldom have visitors.. live in the middle of no where and no family for 1000s of miles.