When we first moved here 13 years ago the first couple of winters were impressive. We had three or four 3-foot storms that first winter. I just figured that this was par for the course around here.
Since then, the past 10 years or so, winters have not been so impressive. This makes people forgetful of what a proper New England winter is like so that this past week, when we got a snow storm (after the ice storm of some three weeks ago that put out power far and wide here) people truly lost their minds with fretting about the storm.
It was called #snowmageddon on twitter – lots of traffic then.
It wasnt a three foot storm but it did get pretty cold (close to 0 F) which is the part I kevetch about (for the animal’s sake – poor babies!)
The photos in this post share a bit of that time.

Night time fun.

Q tending her chickens

One barred rock chicken that seems to be doing an odd snow dance – first she flies out lopsided from the shed ….

Then she some how manages to go totally sideways.

The goats and the llama didnt appreciate the low temps but those low temps made a wonderful thing happen – the llama has started sleeping with the goats! This is good because she can help keep them warm and she bonds more closely with them.

This blonde goat is named Wheat.

Eating hay.

All three species.

Home-hatched chicks – very fluffy. They are a flock of four.
The garden is totally submerged but I have already started planning the plantings as well as thinking about moving the seed starting equipment down next to the wood boiler so that they can be toasty warm.

Will share more about the 2009 garden soon!