Humble Garden

ReSkilling for future food independence

Permaculture thoughts

Posted by Nika On September - 7 - 2009

Permaculture: 3rd iteration

Am in the process of FINALLY reading my two books on permaculture “Edible Forest Gardens Vol 1 & 2” by Dave Jacke and Eric Toensmeier.

As a result, I have been designing the next phase of the Humble Garden with an eye to increasing food growing space on land that doesnt have much top soil (its on ledge).

My initial design is seen above. Its something that will evolve over time!

I have started work on the first bed, next to the future frog pond. As money is tight, I need to be able to find ways to do this all for free with stuff we already have. Am recycling feed bags for the bottom of the new raised beds and am using the TONS of goat, chicken and llama manure and litter we have. I just need some wood chips and I think I will be set.

This is also very much the way permacultural principles would have you do this.


Permaculture: 1st bed arc - inputs

Llama and manure

Permaculture: 1st bed arc - inputs

Grass clippings (from neighbor)

Permaculture: 1st bed arc - inputs

Chicken and goat manure and litter (compost heap).

The following are a few photos of how the first raised bed was put down, sheet mulching or lasagna garden style.

Permaculture: 1st bed arc

Permaculture: 1st bed arc

Permaculture: 1st bed arc

More grass clippings and layer of llama manure pellets

Permaculture: 1st bed arc

I will be adding more organic material and possibly some lime or ash over time. Next spring this will all have composted down a bit and it should be ready for it’s first year of growing.

I hope to be able to get those other new beds built this summer/fall.

6 Responses to “Permaculture thoughts”

  1. maya704 says:

    That’s awesome! To me permaculture just makes the most sense. Good luck with that. Keep us updated.

  2. Nika says:

    Will do! Indeed, I agree re: making most sense. It is also great for people of minor to no means because it is all about using what you have and not bringing in the bulldozers and expensive amendments and chemicals , etc etc.

  3. Erika says:

    I love it! It does make a lot of sense, and it also makes the whole process seem more do-able than some pie-in-the sky dream.

    Very, very interesting.

  4. Nika says:

    Erika: thnx! Definitely! Sometimes you have the hardest time getting started and often thats because it all seems overwhelming!

    Starting a small part that fits into a larger plan (instead of just starting with no plan) can also make the task of continuing incrementally easier.

    With a design (thats not carved in stone just digital bits) you can gain a sense of accomplishment even after small steps.

    Like this guy I admire a whole lot said – “Si Se Puede!” Yes we can!

  5. Siona Karen says:

    I really like your permaculture design. I have only recently come across permaculture but I think it is so important to take on board and I can’t wait to get a garden of my own to get started. It is so important to take of our land and with all your methods of recycling and design you are going to reap such great rewards. Looking forward to updates on the progress.

  6. Nika says:

    Siona: thank you. I will definitely keep informing here! I am in a pig funk right now because I want them I just cant afford them. So many ways to homestead, plant, animal, fungus, mineral. This is one of the reasons I like permaculture – it is an attempt at embracing the complexity of nature (tho its infintely more than we really know).

    I can imagine its hard to do permaculture in the urban setting with no garden at all but if you have any soil, you can do some work and be near green.

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About Me

We are a family of 5, including Nika, Ed, Q (14), KD (7), and Baby Oh (4). We garden 1024 square feet of raised beds plus assorted permacultural plantings. We also have 13 LaMancha dairy goats, 40 chickens, and one guard llama.


