Humble Garden

ReSkilling for future food independence

Goat babies can be obnoxious!

Posted by Nika On July - 24 - 2010

Dairy goat management includes psychology, trust me.

When baby goats are born you need to separate out the babies and bottle feed them until they are weaned and then you can return them to the herd.

The video above shows what happens when your kids are piggish, dont wanna stop nursing, and the momma goat refuses to push them away.

5 Responses to “Goat babies can be obnoxious!”

  1. Sharoney says:

    This is informative and hilarious, Nika.

    BTW, nice editing job! What software do you use to combine captions, video and slides?

  2. Kelly says:

    I stumbled upon your site while searching for goat chevre recipes…I saw your “goat babies can be obnoxious” and I had to see what you were talking about because I AGREE! I have Nubians, though, and mine are obnoxious because they Yell too much!

    I wanted to give you a tip that I learned from a friend of mine, I had one baby this year that was a huge piggy and her mama was the same as your mama goat….I USE TAPE!! and it works beautifully! I bought it from the drug store. it’s Medical tape…the type that is suppose to be taped to SKIN…when it’s time to milk, I just soak them for a second when washing the udder and then carefully peel it off….works like a charm every time…I’d send you pics if you’re curious :-)


  3. Kelly says:

    I stumbled upon your site while searching for goat chevre recipes…I saw your “goat babies can be obnoxious” and I had to see what you were talking about because I AGREE! I have Nubians, though, and mine are obnoxious because they Yell too much!

    I wanted to give you a tip that I learned from a friend of mine, I had one baby this year that was a huge piggy and her mama was the same as your mama goat….I USE TAPE!! and it works beautifully! I bought it from the drug store. it’s Medical tape…the type that is suppose to be taped to the SKIN…when it’s time to milk, I just soak it for a couple of seconds when washing the udder and then carefully peel it off….works like a charm every time…I’ll send you pics if you’re curious :-)


  4. Marcella says:

    Hi…. I wonder if it’s LaMancha’s. I have a mother/daughter la mancha duo that are doing the same thing. 10 months old and was in another pen for over a month. They were good for the first two days when put back together, then they were back at it! Very aggrating. I have questions for Kelly. Do you use the tape by itself and where do you put it. Thanks for your help. Easier the better.

  5. Nika says:

    Kelly: you are so right – our manchas that have extra nubian in them are almost intolerably noisy! i am going to give that a try! thnx for sharing. sorry its been so long between when you left the messge and it was posted, having problems with my darn wordpress commenting!

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About Me

We are a family of 5, including Nika, Ed, Q (14), KD (7), and Baby Oh (4). We garden 1024 square feet of raised beds plus assorted permacultural plantings. We also have 13 LaMancha dairy goats, 40 chickens, and one guard llama.



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