Humble Garden

ReSkilling for future food independence

Year end wrapup

Posted by Nika On December - 30 - 2010


(Notice that the only plants with holes above are the weeds that have grown into the collard greens and nasturtiums)

I wish you all a wonderful and productive New Year!

My next podcast has been delayed due to lack of quiet space to record due to winter vacation and kid chaos. I should be recording again next Monday and hopefully will post the same day.

I dont know about you all but I am feeling very strongly compelled to read my seed catalogues and my gardening books and am dreaming dreams of my summer garden.

Right now it lays frozen under feet of snow which is where it should be this time of year.

I am going to put a few photos in this post of things going on around here the past few months.

I saved some seeds (tomatoes, garlic chives).

Humble Garden: Saving Seeds - red currants

Humble Garden: Saving Seeds - gold medal

Humble Garden: Saving Seeds - on to rot

Humble Garden 2010: bee & garlic chives

Humble Garden 2010: garlic chive seeds being harvested

Humble Garden 2010: garlic chive seeds being harvested

Humble Garden 2010: garlic chive seeds being harvested

Humble Garden 2010: garlic chive seeds being harvested

We harvested organic potatoes which I grew under peas all summer long.

Humble Garden 2010: potato harvest

Humble Garden 2010: potato harvest

My paw paw trees, started from seeds I nibbled on and saved, continue to grow.

Humble Garden 2010: paw paw starts

Humble Garden 2010: paw paw starts

Our mushroom logs flushed shiitakes

Humble Garden 2010: Homegrown shiitake!

Humble Garden 2010: Homegrown shiitake!

Humble Garden 2010: Homegrown shiitake!

Cleaning out the goat sheds, changing their set up and reaping great yields for next year’s fertility.

Humble Garden 2010: goat muck

Humble Garden 2010: goat muck

Humble Garden 2010: mucking out

Mucking Out: goat shed gets shoveled out

Mucking Out: goat shed gets shoveled out

Mucking Out: goat shed gets shoveled out

Making chickens angry with hen-sulation fashion (meant to help a molting chicken but has not been adopted gracefully by the poultry in question)

Humble Garden 2010: hen-sulation 2.0

Humble Garden 2010: hen-sulation 2.0

Happy New Year!

2 Responses to “Year end wrapup”

  1. Erika says:

    Oh! Oh! You grew those lovely potatoes underneath a bed of peas? I’ve really been wishing that I had a space that I could devote to trying to grow potatoes, but I’ve never grown them, and am not sure I’d be successful. But growing them under peas? That I could most definitely do! Thanks for the wonderful idea!

  2. Me and my wife have some space on our property that we want to use to keep some chickens. My wife is all on about how we’re going to eat our own eggs and give them to friends and all haha! She thinks it is romantic to get up in the morning and get our own eggs and what not haha. Other than eating and giving the eggs we think it is a great way for our oldest child to experience some responsibility taking care of the chickens! I am building a coop myself now and will post some pictures on the progress and final thing when it’s done. Check out our FACEBOOK page

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About Me

We are a family of 5, including Nika, Ed, Q (14), KD (7), and Baby Oh (4). We garden 1024 square feet of raised beds plus assorted permacultural plantings. We also have 13 LaMancha dairy goats, 40 chickens, and one guard llama.



    Untitled Flickr photoUntitled Flickr photoPhotoFirst United Methodist Church of Hyattsville