The northeast has fallen into a repetitive trough pattern of snow storm after snow storm .. this next wed we may be looking at a proper olde tyme yankee storm I remember from when we first moved here in 1996 winter – a 4 foot storm.
As always I have to be on budget and very frugal re: garden planning and seed starting. I am getting geared up now to set up my calendar of seed starting and planting based on our last frost date of May 15 (which is still quite iffy).
I will also be graphing out the maps for planting in my garden beds – meditating first on what did well where, what needs to be rotated out, which bed had been amended last year. This last summer was different from previous ones because we had pulled down a tree that was blocking a lot of sun. This changed the energy and water dynamics of the garden beds tremendously.
It all gets as complex as you want it to be. Simplicity is good in some places, complexity and deep analysis is good in other places.