Humble Garden

ReSkilling for future food independence


Posted by Nika On November - 1 - 2011

This October surprise snow storm dump 2 feet of wet clingy snow on the northeast and particularly on us. The
Night of the storm our goat shed collapsed and crushed/trapped one of our goats.

We found her weakly crying and slipping away. We pulled her out from under tons of shed and snow – was pushed down into muck. We rolled her onto a bed sheet and slid/pulled/lifted through 2 feet deep snow many yards and then into our dining room onto blankets. We covered her in blankets as well and fed her molasses water until she rehydrated enough to drink on her own. She began to eat grain and hay. She menaces passing cats who she doesnt like. She can not stand on her own – her back leg is not working, might be dislocated.

We now have to take her to the vet and i hope its a simple matter of joint reduction. Will share photos of that when it happens.

Am also sharing some photos below of a tiny bit of the vast amount of storm damage here. We have no power, no internet so i am having to post by iPhone.






3 Responses to “Snowtober”

  1. Marushka France says:

    ((hugs)) hope you & goat are all warm, cozy Looks like it will take a while to rebuild, clear trees.

  2. Oh I’m so sorry to hear about the barn collapse! Yes I heard that storm was nasty. How did your goat turn out? I hope the vet was able to help.
    I used to have LaMancha’s myself, they are so sweet!

  3. oliver mercado says:

    hi there. hope you are doing fine as well as your goats. i am oliver from the philippines but currently based in dubai, uae. i have some questions if you may, regarding your milking machine setup because i am currently setting up one for myself.. heres my questions..
    what is the CFM rating of your vacuum pump?
    do you use a balance tank or vacuum tank?
    in what inches of vacuum does your machine operate?
    can you provide a more detailed photos of your setup?


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About Me

We are a family of 5, including Nika, Ed, Q (14), KD (7), and Baby Oh (4). We garden 1024 square feet of raised beds plus assorted permacultural plantings. We also have 13 LaMancha dairy goats, 40 chickens, and one guard llama.



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